Fishing superjoy

Application Privacy Policy

Dear User:

Fishing superjoy is a casual fishing game provided to you by Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. has great respect for your personal information and data and will do its best to keep your personal information and data safe and secure. This policy applies only to user information and data collected and stored by Fishing superjoy.

Fishing superjoy respects and protects the personal privacy of all users of the service. In order to provide you with a more accurate and personalised service, the Software will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, the Software will treat such information with a high degree of diligence and duty of care. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, the Software will not provide this information to others or to third parties without your consent. The Software may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. You agree to this Privacy Policy in its entirety when you agree to this Software Service Use Agreement. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Software Service Use Agreement.

We use multi-faceted security measures to ensure that the protection of your personal information is at a reasonable level of security. You can read the full version of the "Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. Privacy Policy" for more detailed rules on the handling of personal information, such as the correspondence between the type of personal information and the purpose of use.

  1. Collected information
  2. Use of Information
  3. Disclosure of Information
  4. Storage and exchange of information
  5. Security of Information

Collected Information

In the course of your use of the Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. services, Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. collects information that you voluntarily provide or that arises from your use of the services, in order to provide you with and optimise our services and to safeguard the security of your account, in the following ways:

1.1 When you register or use the Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. services, we will collect your network identification information and personal commonly used device information to mark you as a Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. user. If you log in to Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. using WeChat or a linked account, we will collect your WeChat or unique ID, avatar, and nickname, which will be used to store your login information so that you can log in from different devices.

In order to provide you with better gaming services and improve your gaming experience, we may collect your nicknames, avatars, operation information and gaming information (hereinafter referred to as "such information") from your account, WeChat account or gaming account on Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. Such information includes, but is not limited to, your login status, battle information/status, achievement information, etc.) may be used and displayed to you or other users or friends. Depending on the specific conditions of the game product, we may provide you with the relevant permissions so that you can set whether to display the aforementioned information accordingly.

1.2 In order to meet the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and policies as well as the requirements of relevant authorities, users of Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. are required to authenticate their real names in order to continue to use and enjoy Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. We may collect your real-name identity information with your consent or on your own initiative. This information is sensitive and refusal to provide your real-name identity information may result in you not being able to log in to Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. or being subject to the corresponding restrictions in the use of Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co.

1.3 In order to ensure your normal use of our services, to maintain the normal operation of the basic functions of the game, to optimise the performance of the game products, to enhance your gaming experience and to protect your account security, we collect information such as your device ID, device name, device type and version, system version, IP address, MAC address, application ID, network type, and so on.

1.4 When you use Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. services, we will collect your game log information, such as login logs, item logs, game match information, dating records, etc., so that you can view your game history on the client side, and also for the analysis of game operation statistics, customer service complaint handling and other game security analyses, and in order to enhance your gaming experience, we may synchronise the aforementioned information to the subsequent version of the game or to the subsequent version of the game, or to the subsequent version of the game, or to the subsequent version of the game. In order to enhance your game experience, we may synchronise the aforementioned information to the subsequent version of the game or other products provided by us that you are using.

1.5 If you use Xiaomi, Meizu, Huawei and other brands of mobile phones, Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. access to the Push SDK of the above mobile phone manufacturers need to collect the mobile phone's unique identifier information (e.g. IMEI), and may collect your mobile phone model number, system type, system version, screen size of the device, and other parameters used for the implementation of the Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. products and activities and other information, such as the push. For details, please refer to the SDK operator's privacy policy or related statements.

1.6 When you use the consumption function of Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. products, we will collect your top-up records and consumption records, so that you can check your transaction records and protect your virtual goods to the greatest extent possible. Top-up records and consumption records are sensitive information, and the collection of such information is necessary for the fulfilment of the consumption function of Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. products, otherwise the transaction will not be completed.

1.7 In order to protect the security of your game account and to create a fair, healthy and safe gaming environment, we will collect your game identification information, hardware and operating system information, process and game crash records and other information, which will be used to fight against behaviours that undermine the fair environment of the game or interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the gaming services (e.g. for detecting piracy, scanning for plug-ins, preventing cheating, etc.).

1.8 When you interact with other players in the game through text, pictures, voice, video and other means, we may collect and save the content of the above information you send for filtering pornography, violence, politics, insults, malicious advertisements and other inappropriate content, in order to purify the gaming environment, and maintain a healthy online environment.

1.9 If you wish to interact with other game players and participate in live broadcasting through voice and video, the game will access your microphone and camera after your authorisation and consent to provide you with the functions of voice chat and live broadcasting interaction.

1.10 If you wish to interact with nearby gamers, after your authorisation and consent, we will collect your geo-location information for the purpose of searching for nearby gamers, so as to enable you to match with nearby gamers, group up with them, etc. Geo-location information is sensitive information, and refusing to provide such information will only prevent you from interacting with nearby gamers, but will not affect your normal use of other Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. functions, and you can cancel your geo-location information authorisation at any time.

1.11 In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the game and to realise certain functions, some of the games may have access to Software Development Kits (SDK) developed by third parties. We will conduct security monitoring of SDKs accessed by the games that involve the collection of personal information in order to protect the security of your personal information. For details, please refer to the "Catalogue of Third-Party SDKs Accessed by Tencent Games".

(1) Purpose of use: Tencent SDK provides user login, real name, and recharge services

(2) Types of personal information involved: WeChat and QQ login information. Real-name identity information, device ID, device name, device type and version, system version, IP address, MAC address, application ID, network type and other information. Game log information. Charge and consumption records. Game identification information, hardware and operating system information. Text, picture, voice, video, etc. Geographical location information.

1.12 We have enabled the alert function for moderate gaming. If you use wearable devices, we will collect information such as your online gaming heartbeat with your consent in order to send system alerts when you play excessively.

1.13 According to relevant laws and regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information without seeking your authorised consent in the following cases:

(1) Directly related to national security, national defence security and other national interests; directly related to public security, public health, public knowledge and other major public interests;

(2) Directly related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and judgement execution;

(3) For the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' life, property, reputation and other important legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to get my consent;

(4) The collected personal information is disclosed to the public by yourself;

(5) Personal information is collected from legitimate publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(6) Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract at your request;

(7) Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as the discovery and disposal of product or service failures;

(8) When necessary to carry out legitimate news reporting;

(9) Necessary to carry out statistical or academic research in the public interest, and to de-identify personal information contained in the results of academic research or descriptions when providing them to the public;

(10) In other cases stipulated by laws and regulations.

1.14 Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developing. If a certain function or service is not described in the foregoing and collects your information, we will separately explain the content, scope and purpose of the collection of information to you by means of page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, etc., in order to obtain your consent.

At present, we do not collect your personal information from third parties outside the Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. group, except for collecting game research information from third-party research organisations to help us improve our game products and provide personalised services. If in the future we need to obtain your personal information indirectly from a third party outside the Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. group for the purpose of business development, we will inform you of the source, type and scope of use of your personal information before obtaining it. If Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. needs to carry out business activities that exceed the scope of authorisation and consent that you have given to the third party outside the Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. group for the purpose of handling your personal information, we will not use it in any way that exceeds the scope of authorisation and consent you have given to the third party outside the Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. group. LTD. Group, we will obtain your express consent before processing your personal information; in addition, we will strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations and require the third party to safeguard the legitimacy of the information provided by the third party.

Use of Information

a) The Game will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information with any unrelated third parties.

b) The game also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or distribute your personal information by any means without compensation.

Disclosure of Information

The Game may disclose your personal information, in whole or in part, in accordance with your wishes or the law under the following circumstances:

a) To a third party with your prior consent;

b) To share your personal information with a third party in order to provide the products and services you have requested;

c) To a third party or an administrative or judicial body in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or at the request of the administrative or judicial body;

d) To a third party if you have violated the relevant laws and regulations of China or the service agreement or relevant rules of this game;

e) If you are an eligible complainant of intellectual property rights and have filed a complaint, at the request of the respondent, disclose to the respondent so that both parties can deal with possible disputes over rights;

Information Storage and Exchange

The information and data collected about you by the Software will be stored on the servers of the Software and/or its affiliates, which may be transferred to, and accessed, stored and displayed outside of, your country, region or the country where the Software collects the information and data.

Information Security

When using the Game to communicate with others, you will inevitably or inadvertently disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address, to them. Please protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. If you find that your personal information has been leaked, please contact the customer service of the software immediately so that the software can take appropriate measures.

Boycott bad games and reject pirated games.

Pay attention to self-protection and beware of being cheated.

Moderate games are good for the brain, addicted games hurt the body.

Arrange your time reasonably and enjoy a healthy life.


This Privacy Policy is for the application software of Fishing superjoy and the related services provided by it. If there is any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co.'s Privacy Policy, this Privacy Policy shall take precedence, and if this Privacy Policy does not contain the relevant contents (agreed), the contents (agreed) contained in Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co.'s Privacy Policy shall take precedence.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions about our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us by logging in to Fishing superjoy in-game and using the Feedback section.


Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co. reserves the right to update this statement at any time. When the statement is modified, we will inform you of the changed statement by means of a pop-up window or notice. If you continue to use our services, you are deemed to agree to our revised privacy policy, and we will collect, use and store your personal information in accordance with the updated statement.

This statement is effective as of the date it is updated

Last updated: 3 January 2024

Anhui KongYou Network Technology Co.